Chordlighters Men’s Chorus Sings at RLC
The Chordlighters men’s chorus will sing during 10 a.m. worship on Sunday, Aug. 11. The Chordlighters are one of 800+ choruses and more than 1000 quartets that make up the Barbershop Harmony Society which has over 25,000 members throughout the US and Canada. The Chordlighters’ director is Bob Kendall and assistant director is Fred Dieckmeyer. Learn more at chordlighters.org.
About the Chordlighters
The Chordlighters meet every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church, 1300 E. Adams Dr., Franklin, IN. For more information about the chorus, please, visit chordlighters.org. Any men interested in joining the chorus are welcome to come to rehearsals on Tuesday nights. The Chordlighters continue to entertain audiences with an annual show and Christmas show as well as other performances throughout the area.