Special Bread for the World Event: A Fair Shot for All Children
Come urge Senator Young to end childhood hunger in Indiana with a special event on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 4:15 – 5:45 p.m at Noblesville First United Methodist Church (2051 Monument St, Noblesville). Senator Young has been doing great work for famine victims in Yemen and we want to encourage him to also tackle childhood hunger here at home. We want to bring together hundreds of local leaders, volunteers and community members with this one special “A Fair Shot for All Children” event to demonstrate that this is an issue Indiana stands behind.
Register to attend online or complete the yellow Connect Card in the Sunday bulletin. Pick up our flyer in the parish narthex and share with your friends!
Did you know Indiana ranks 42nd in infant mortality, one in six Hoosier children are food insecure and food insecurity is rampant on college campuses? “A Fair Shot for All Children” is a unique opportunity to advocate for hungry Hoosier kids by creating urgency for ending widespread child hunger in Indiana. Don’t miss this opportunity to support our kids.
Event Purposes:
- Create urgency to better address child hunger in Indiana, and improve their lives.
- Deepen engagement of more Hoosiers in solutions to child hunger.
Event Program:
- Dr. Wade Clapp, Chair of Pediatrics, IU School of Medicine, on nutrition & infant mortality
- Andrew Hartley, Superintendent, Plymouth Schools, on good nutrition and academic success
- Dr. Harriet Giles, Auburn Univ Hunger Solutions Institute on hunger on college campuses
- Sen. Todd Young on the reality of a Fair Shot for All Children related to hunger issues
- Dave Miner with a call to action
About Bread for the World
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities in which we live. In 2018, Bread for the World delivered 159,854 letters, made 9,947 phone calls and made 370 visits to government offices. All of this resulted in a $20 million increase for global nutrition funding to bring 200,000 additional children vital nutritional inventions. Learn more
Questions? Contact Jana Forster or the parish office at parishadmin@rlcindy.org or (317) 881-7854.