Caring for Our Neighbors Fund
We are called to care for the least, the lowest, the naked, the poor, and the hungry. In their faces we see Jesus.
Being the hands of Christ in the world is a big part of the Resurrection story.
We’re helpers. We’re comforters. We’re givers.
And now, when economic and emotional hardships are mounting for many, we’re once again standing ready to open our arms to the most vulnerable, just as Christ did.
Resurrection Lutheran Church has established a special fund called Caring for Our Neighbors to address the needs in our community due to COVID-19. This effort is in addition to our ongoing food ministry.
Some families in our congregation are giving their stimulus checks to the Caring for Our Neighbors fund. Others are offering up their income tax refunds. And still others have dug deep into their savings.
Already, we’ve collected nearly $5,000. Their joyful generosity is inspiring. And we are eager to help our neighbors with these funds.
In distributing the funds, we intend to focus on individuals and families who are nearest to Resurrection — our closest neighbors and members who needs help right now. Then, depending on the need and the amount we have collected, we will assist helping organizations working in our immediate community.
You can do two things right now. 1) Make a donation to help our neighbors. 2) Identify a need we can meet.
- To donate, visit our Giving page. A one-time gift can be made by check or credit card. Indicate that your gift is to support Caring for Our Neighbors.
- To let us know of a need, send a note to either Pastor Mitch, prmitch@rlcindy.org or Pastor Ryan, prryan@rlcindy.org
Thank you for taking action and boldly being Christ’s love and light for each other and for our neighbors.
Questions? Contact the parish office at parishadmin@rlcindy.org or (317) 881-7854.