Pastoral Internship Site: What it means for RLC
Pastors don’t grow on trees; they grow in congregations! And Resurrection hopes to play a special part in that cultivation in 2022-2023 by hosting a pastoral intern. All ELCA pastors must complete an internship during seminary to be ordained. Resurrection has offered to be an internship site for Luther Seminary, the largest ELCA seminary, located in St. Paul, Minnesota.
If an intern is placed at Resurrection, they will be with us for 12 months, likely beginning in August 2022. During that time, they will engage in all sorts of ministry among us, including preaching, teaching, caring, and serving. A special group of lay persons will be needed to form an internship committee to walk alongside them and meet monthly with them to offer feedback and support as they develop their skills and identity as a pastor.
Starting in mid-February, Pastor Ryan will conduct Zoom interviews with students interested in coming to Resurrection. We should receive news about a placement in April.
In case you’re wondering, welcoming an intern is not an answer to the question of whether we will call a second pastor. It is an incredible opportunity available to us during this unique season in the life of our congregation. We need time to assess our resources and discern how we best equip ourselves for ministry post-COVID. What better time to share the gifts of our congregation with a pastor-in-training? We will undoubtedly learn much from one another.
If you want to learn more about what it means to be an internship site, come for Learning Hour in Resurrection Hall on Sunday, Feb. 20 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Ryan will have more to share about the opportunity and will be glad to answer questions.
Contact: Pastor Ryan, prryan@rlcindy.org