Trunk or Treat: Rain or Shine!
Save the date for Resurrection’s annual Trunk or Treat: Sunday, Oct. 27 from 3-5 p.m. This year, we expect to hand out candy to 200+ people from both our congregation and the surrounding community!
Help support this event by donating bags of candy in the church narthex collection box between Sundays Sep. 22 – Oct. 20. Sign up online to decorate a trunk and hand out provided candy. Trunks don’t have to be elaborate, and we can help with ideas!
Cars may arrive for set up starting at 2:30 p.m. and are asked to remain until 5 p.m. to pass out treats. Treats (including allergy-friendly options) are provided by RLC.
Contact: Victoria Hoppes, victoria@rlcindy.org
Example Trunk Photos