Hike Morgan-Monroe State Forest in July
RLC’s Hiking Group’s next hike is at Morgan-Monroe State Forest (6220 Forest Rd, Martinsville, IN) on Saturday, July 18. We will meet at 9 a.m. at the shelter on Main Forest Road, just south of Bean Blossom Road. There are two hiking options about 3 miles in length – we will complete one and then those who want to continue hiking can complete the second hike. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch if desired.
Participants will wear masks if in close proximity to other or when chatting, but masks will not be needed when hiking. We will maintain physical distancing throughout the hike. We will not be carpooling.
Please sign up online or contact Mary Moore.
Questions? Contact Mary Moore or the parish office at parishadmin@rlcindy.org or (317) 881-7854.