Statement of Welcome & Inclusion
We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Resurrection Lutheran Church as we journey toward reconciliation through Christ. We affirm that all people are worthy of God’s love and grace, for all are created in the image of God and are beloved children of God.
God welcomes all! Therefore, we welcome all, including those of all races, cultures, or nationalities; those of all sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, or relationship statuses; those of all ages, whether babies, children, adults, or those with more life experience. We welcome all without regard to addictions, physical or mental health, imprisonment, socio-economic circumstances, or anything else that too often divides us.
We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that although we may not think alike, we can love alike. We especially proclaim this statement of welcome to any who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in church or society. As beloved people of God, we invite everyone to join us on this journey of reconciliation toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect.
Approved by the Congregation Council, December 2016.
A grace-centered, grace-oriented community of people
We believe that without any merit on our own God created us, redeemed us, and is transforming us through the proclamation of God’s love in word and sacrament. We are convinced that we cannot save ourselves by our own understanding or effort.
The gospel we preach is a message of forgiveness that frees us to let God be truly God and to let humans be truly human.
Member of the ELCA
Resurrection is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Core Values
Everything is Grounded in Grace
The Good News that we have been entrusted to share is founded on God’s loving grace. Because God has acted first, delivering us from sin and death, we have been freed to live lives of joyful response.
Vibrant, Liturgical Worship
Our worship is shaped by the rhythm of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending with leadership and participation from all ages. This ancient pattern is expressed through fresh words and music as we move through the liturgical seasons of the church year.
Faith Formation for All Ages
Faith is a life-long journey, and we are committed to providing opportunities for all ages to grow as Jesus’ disciples. We believe in equipping everyone so home and church are partners in incubating faith.
Be Christ within Our Community
The Church gathers together in order to be (released) sent back into the world. Called to serve others in the name of Christ, we actively engage with our neighbors, community, and world.
Serving from Giftedness
We have been entrusted with countless gifts from God – both individually and as a congregation. Blessed with spiritual gifts, talents, resources and skills, we joyfully use these in a response of gratitude.