Youth Ministry
Resurrection youth in grades 6-12 meet twice a month, September through May. Our Sunday evening program starts with games and dinner, followed by learning opportunities specifically for middle and high school age groups.
FaithBuilders (grades 6-8)
This is Resurrection’s confirmation program for middle school students. Students participate in both large group learning and small group discussion. FaithBuilders explore the Bible, Small Catechism, and Lutheran theology through a variety of interactive ways.
Youth Group (grades 9-12)
Resurrection’s Youth Group provides high school students opportunities for fellowship, learning, and service. Curriculum and discussion topics vary each year, based on the interests of the group.
In addition to gathering throughout the school year, Resurrection has a history of summer youth trips, each with an intentional focus. Middle school students are invited to participate in Confirmation Camp or a service learning trip on alternating years. High school trips might include outdoor adventure, service learning, or the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering.
Get Involved
Adult faith mentors are an important part of our youth ministry program. These adults have gifts for working with middle and/or high school students, on either Sunday evenings or as a chaperone on a summer trip. Contact our Director of Youth & Children’s Ministries for more information on how to serve.