Care & Support
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7
We at Resurrection are a family – one that prays for each other, listens to each other, cares for one another, laughs with one another, and nurtures each other. Through numerous ministries, we are able to provide support to RLC Disciples in a way that also prepares us to provide such care for those outside of the church’s walls. These ministries include:
College Years
Reaches out to college students in the congregation through care packages and communications that let them know the congregation is praying for them, thinking of them, and looking forward to seeing them at worship while there are home.
Funeral Meals
Prepares a meal (when desired by the family) following a funeral.
Contact Liz Klimes or one of the pastors.
Homebound Communion
Homebound Ministries share Holy Communion and spend time in fellowship.
Prayer Chain
People committed to the ministry of intercessory prayer.
Stephen Ministry
Trained one-on-one caregivers for people who can benefit from having a companion on their journey for a period of time.