Sherry Andersen Retires as Dir. of Worship & Music
Sherry Andersen, Resurrection’s Director of Worship & Music, is retiring at the end of January 2021 after serving nearly 29 years on RLC’s staff. We are grateful to Sherry for her years of passion and dedication to RLC’s worship, music, and welcoming atmosphere, and we are eager to support Sherry as she embraces the new adventures that await. We will celebrate Sherry’s ministry together as a congregation once we are beyond pandemic restrictions.
More about Sherry’s ministry at RLC
Sherry began her ministry at Resurrection in the fall of 1992 when asked to start a children’s choir. In 1995, she helped start a cherub choir, and then in January of 1996, she began directing the Senior Choir when Barb Klemesrud retired from the role. In 1998, Sherry was named Director of Music and continued to shepherd the growth of RLC’s music ministry with the formation of two bell choirs, periodic ensembles, and hiring oversight of six organists. Throughout this time, she became increasingly involved in the planning and execution of worship, and in 2004 Sherry was named Director of Worship & Music.
Some of Sherry’s favorite memories include working with her worship and music team, especially her parents, Duane and Connie Wallin – Duane directed RLC’s Grace Notes bell choir, and Connie served as RLC’s organist. Sherry enjoyed watching RLC member Laura Mueller grow up – first as a member of RLC’s choirs; then Laura’s return after college and with her husband, Chris; and later when Laura joined RLC’s music team as Director of the Cherub and Children’s Choirs and Joyful Ringers bell choir while Chris directs RLC’s Grace Notes bell choir. Two more special memories for Sherry include watching her three girls – Cassie, Greta, and Clara – grow up in RLC’s choirs, and helping with the vision for a new sanctuary, organ, and music wing. But what Sherry will miss most is working with Pastor Mitch, Pastor Ryan, and David Duncan in helping to shape worship for all who come through Resurrection’s doors.
Sherry has considered stepping down from RLC’s staff for several years, but her love for Resurrection and its people has made it difficult to do so. She is retiring now in order to spend more time with her family and to allow someone new to shape the next phase of RLC’s music ministry as we emerge from the pandemic. Sherry looks forward to continuing as a member of the congregation, cheering on RLC’s worship and music ministries from the sidelines, and singing with these ministries from time to time.
Contact: Pastor Mitch, prmitch@rlcindy.org