Documentary Screening: “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality”
Sign-up to watch and discuss a screening of the documentary “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” on Sunday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. in Resurrection Hall. Masks required while indoors. This film gives a glimpse into the struggles of racial justice and mass incarceration by documenting the work of Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative. Together we will continue conversations about racial injustice, fighting for the voiceless and oppressed, and living antiracism in our daily lives.
For those interested, Mr. Stevenson is speaking in Clowes Memorial Hall at Butler University on Tuesday, Oct. 5. Learn more and get tickets to hear him speak.
Sign-up for True Justice screening
Contact: Victoria Hoppes, victoria@rlcindy.org