Seeing What God Is Up To: Practicing Discernment
Sundays Sep. 11 & 18, 9:30 a.m. in Resurrection Hall: Upheaval is the order of the day across every sphere of our lives. This leaves us with a pile of questions about what’s next or which way we should go from here. We ask these questions as individuals and as groups, including congregations. While we may feel like the most important challenge we have is making decisions, our faith encourages us to approach an uncertain future through the practice of discernment. The two are not synonyms!
When we practice discernment, we are not seeking an answer to the question, “What should we do?” Instead we are paying attention to see what God is doing. Over two sessions during the Sunday morning learning hour, we will consider how we might better attend to what God is doing in the world and in our lives.
Contact: Pastor Ryan, prryan@rlcindy.org