Worship Ministries

Worship is at the center of our lives as Christians as we proclaim God’s Word and celebrate the sacraments.  As we worship together, we embody the welcome of Christ; we express our identity as the people of God; and we celebrate our unity with Christians across the ages.

As Lutheran Christians, our worship life is shaped by the intentional participation of the entire community, with both clergy and lay leadership.  We invite you to participate in our worship ministries as we strive for an atmosphere of welcoming hospitality at Resurrection, and continue an RLC tradition of excellence in music, choral and instrumental groups.

There are opportunities to be a part of leading worship for all ages, all experience levels, all instruments, voices and technical abilities.  Experience the joy of using the wonderful gifts that God has given you, and be a part of God’s welcome to all through Resurrection’s worship life!

If you are interested in any of these ministries you can contact the parish office.

Altar Guild Ministry

The Altar Guild Ministry Team provides a ministry of hospitality by faithfully “setting the table” for our gathering each week at Holy Communion.  Like a host with a servant’s heart, the members of the Altar Guild work largely “behind the scenes” as they prepare for our worship by

  • providing the bread and wine for communion
  • arranging the flowers
  • preparing candles, and
  • setting out communion ware and linens.

After worship Altar Guild members can be found in the sacristy, washing the communion ware, cleaning the linens, and preparing for next week’s service.

The Altar Guild also participates in decorating the worship space for special seasons, arranging flowers, paraments or other artistic symbols.

Assisting Ministers

A Presiding Minister and Assisting Minister are the principal leaders of a worship service.  A called pastor serves as the Presiding Minister, and has specific responsibilities regarding preaching and the celebration of the sacraments.  Just like someone skilled at chairing a meeting, the Presiding Minister gets the liturgy started, exercises his or her unique responsibilities throughout, and brings it to an appropriate close.  Assisting Ministers are lay people who do just as the title suggests – they not only assist the presiding pastor in leading worship, but they also assist the congregation in their participation in worship.  Assisting Ministers may speak or chant portions of the liturgy, offer the prayers and intercessions, and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.

For centuries, worship was often a “one-man show.”  Those in the congregation were seen as little more than spectators. An uninvolved laity, however, is completely contrary to the very meaning of the word liturgy, which literally means “the work of the people.” All of God’s baptized children have a role in worship that includes both leadership and participation.

Resurrection values the presence of lay leaders in our worship.  If you would be interested in being trained and scheduled as an Assisting Minister, we encourage you to contact Laura Mueller, our Worship & Music Lead.

Scripture Reader

At the center of our worship as Lutheran Christians, we hear the Word of God. Each Sunday, we follow the common lectionary used by many Christian churches throughout the world, hearing a series of appointed lessons read from the Old and New Testaments.  Nearly the entire Bible is covered over the course of the three-year cycle of the lectionary.

Each week, a Lector steps forward from the congregation to read the First and Second lessons appointed for that day – the third lesson, from one of the Gospels, is usually read by the pastor who is preaching that day.  No special training is necessary for this important ministry.  However, we encourage our Lectors to pre-read and study the scriptures they will read in public, and to practice reading them aloud, paying close attention to pauses, rhythm, and key words.  We provide a brief interpretive and pronunciation guide to aid those who are scheduled to read.

To learn more about this ministry, contact Laura Mueller.


As an important part of the spirit of welcome that we value at Resurrection, ushers provide hospitality at each worship service by performing a number of tasks:

  • handing out bulletins
  • assisting and directing worshipers to their seats
  • helping worshipers move forward for Holy Communion
  • gathering offerings, and
  • in general being a helpful and welcoming presence.

Detailed instructions are provided and training takes place by teaming with an experienced usher.


Our new worship space is equipped with state-of-the-art video cameras and sound equipment, enabling us to record worship services at RLC. DVD copies are produced for one service each weekend to be shared with our homebound members and others unable to attend. Many of our homebound members have told us how moving it is to be able to worship at home in this way. We are also able to provide recordings to thankful families who request copies of special events, ceremonies, or meaningful sermons.

Our video equipment is – with some brief training – quite easy to use!