Judson University Choir sings at Resurrection
Judson University Choir will sing at Resurrection on Sunday, Jan. 27! The choir will enrich our worship with special music on Sunday, January 27 during the 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. worship services and also sing during the Discipleship Hour at 9:30 a.m. Thank you to all of our host homes and those providing food for the choir students!
Questions? Please email Amber Buie or call her at (317) 604-6267; or contact the parish office at parishadmin@rlcindy.org or (317) 881-7854.
More about Judson University Choir
By God’s grace, the Judson University Choir has enjoyed a long and fruitful ministry. Founded by Dr. Edward Thompson (universally known and loved as “Dr. Ed”) during the very first year of Judson’s existence, 1963-1964, the Choir has served as one the primary “faces” of the University for over 50 years, playing an especially crucial role in attracting new students to the campus in the early days of Judson College. National and international touring soon became a hallmark of the Judson Choir, with regular visits to Eastern and Western Europe, parts of Asia, and the Caribbean. When Dr. Ed retired in 1996, Dr. Dale Voelker took the reins and continued the tradition of choral excellence, expanding the Choir’s international presence even farther into South America and China.
Recently, the Judson University Choir has shifted its ministry focus just a bit to become a true worship-leading ensemble, whose concerts feature specific narrative arcs, opportunities for congregational participation, a diverse repertoire, and the use of a wide variety of instrumental accompaniment. This direction has allowed the Choir to co-minister with a number of contemporary Christian worship musicians and bands, including Chris August, Bob Bennett, The Brilliance, Michael Card, Citizen Way, The Digital Age, Branson’s The Haygoods, Aaron Niequist, Remedy Drive, Sanctus Real, and Willow Creek Community Church’s The Practice gathering. The Choir tours nationally three times per year and internationally every two or three years. In May of 2018, the Choir traveled to Europe with Judson alumnus and DCWPA Artist-in-Residence Rev. Huntley Brown, the internationally known concert pianist who has performed with many well-known ministries, including the Billy Graham Association.
Dr. Warren Anderson, a 1986 graduate of Judson, is honored and privileged to direct the choir for which he served as student business manager in 1985-1986. Dr. Anderson has taught in the Communication Arts and Worship Arts departments at Judson since 1991 and served as the Dean of the Chapel since 1992. In 2012, he became the Judson University Choir Director and the Director of Judson’s Center for Worship in the Performing Arts—housed in the Edward & Alice Thompson Hall—which proclaims, in the spirit of Romans 12:1, all of life’s activity, particularly academic pursuit, as good and proper worship. In late 2015, the Board of Trustees of Judson University changed the name to the Demoss Center for Worship in the Performing Arts in recognition of the many contributions of Dennis and JoAnn Demoss to the ongoing ministry of Judson University, particularly those efforts of the Music and Worship Arts students. The Demoss Center equips the students of Judson University with the tools necessary to make their efforts, especially those related to the performing arts, holy and pleasing to God.