Protect & Care for God’s Creation with South Central Creation Care Network
Friedens United Church of Christ is forming the South Central Creation Care Network, a collective team of interested congregations and community members in the south central Indianapolis area focused on caring for the earth, God’s creation. If you are interested in protecting our environment, concerned about global warming and energy use or want to take action alongside members of our community, please consider participating in the South Central Creation Care Network. Anyone 16 years old and up is welcome to participate.
The kickoff meeting for this new network is Wednesday, Oct. 23, 12:30 p.m. at Friedens United Church of Christ (8300 S Meridian St). At this first meeting, participants will decide on a future meeting day and time that fits the needs of the group. Sign-up online to participate or use the yellow Connect Card in the Sunday bulletin.
Want to learn about what the east side of Indy is doing to care for God’s creation? Check out the Eastside Creation Care Network’s Facebook page: facebook.com/ECCN.Indy
Questions? Contact Julie Jessee at community@rlcindy.org