Weekender Backpack Ministry Packing
Join Weekender Backpack Ministry in the fight against hunger by packing bags of easy-to-prepare food on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in rooms 5 and 6! Our next packing date is Wednesday, Sep. 18.
Join Weekender Backpack Ministry in the fight against hunger by packing bags of easy-to-prepare food on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in rooms 5 and 6! Our next packing date is Wednesday, Sep. 18.
Help provide refreshments between Sunday worship services or help with set-up or clean-up. Sign up online for the Sunday(s) you would like to help with. Clean-up is simple and does not involve the coffee clean-up – it just involves removing leftover refreshment items.
Help us grow RLC Kids! We’ve seen increased attendance during Learning Hour in the last year, and we’re in need of additional teachers and mentors for our children’s ministry. We’re specifically looking for adults to co-teach and/or occasionally serve as substitute teachers during the 2024-2025 program year.
This summer, help Resurrection provide coffee and hospitality on Sunday mornings! Bake cookies in advance or bring boxes of crackers and cheese slices – just drop-off labeled donations in the church kitchen and we’ll freeze/store until needed! OR sign up online to help with weekly setup or cleanup throughout the summer!
Vacation Bible School is our biggest children’s ministry event of the year, and it’s only possible with the help of volunteers. There are ways to help before, during, and after VBS. Discover available opportunities, and sign up for more information.
Thursday, May 9, 7 p.m.: On the 40th day of Easter, the church commemorates the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:3-11). Our celebration on this day includes recognition of 2024 high school graduates during worship followed by a reception of appetizers and dessert.
Thursday, April 4, 10 a.m. – noon: Help create floral arrangements at Random Acts of Flowers (1057 E 54th St, Indianapolis) with lunch to follow. There are 10 available volunteer spots. Carpool meets at 9:15 a.m. in Resurrection’s parking lot. Contact Katie Finnie to participate.
During the season of Lent, gather with Resurrection for the much-loved Holden Evening Prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. from Feb. 21 to March 20. Come early for a simple soup supper in Resurrection Hall starting at 5:45 p.m.
Help bring to life a new design for our website (project led by member Nate Garrett), and use your design, coding, writing, or photography skills to support Resurrection’s online presence. To learn more or to get involved with the Web Team, contact digital@rlcindy.org by Sunday, March 24.
Help create an underwater playground for Scuba VBS! “Adopt a prop” and pick up a kit in the church narthex to help us make decorating items. Kits contain projects for different skill levels. Instructions and most supplies are included. Return completed props to the office by Sunday, April 7.