Refreshments for Summer Sundays for Resurrection Lutheran Church: Make ahead, donate now, or sign up to help!

Sign-up: Refreshments for Summer Sundays!

This summer, help Resurrection provide coffee and hospitality on Sunday mornings! Bake cookies in advance or bring boxes of crackers and cheese slices – just drop-off labeled donations in the church kitchen and we’ll freeze/store until needed! OR sign up online to help with weekly setup or cleanup throughout the summer!

  • Setup includes preparing coffee and setting out refreshments with plates, napkins, cups, etc.
  • Cleanup includes rinsing coffee urns, putting away plates, napkins, cups, etc., and cleaning counters, trays, etc.

Note: Training is available! Plates, napkins, cups, and serving tongs are available at the church. Powdered sugar items are best avoided as there is typically additional clean-up.

Sign up to help with setup/cleanup

Contact: Church office, or (317) 881-7854.