Families with students in grades 9-12 during the 2023-2024 school year are invited to learn about the Gathering in a Zoom info session on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. Adults interested in serving as mentors are also encouraged to attend.
Sunday, Feb. 12 at 9:30 a.m. Social media and technology are a part of our lives. What does a healthy relationship with them look like? During parallel discussions during the learning hour, youth and adults will have space to talk about our relationships with social media.
In light of recent incidents of gun violence, going to school can cause fear and anxiety. Parallel Learning Hour discussions on Sunday, Oct. 2 provide space for youth (grades 6-12) and adults to process these events and discuss how we can respond through healthy conflict resolution.
Breakfast Club reconvenes for youth in grades 6-12 on Sunday, Sep. 18 at 9:30 a.m. in room 3. This forum gives youth the opportunity to discuss current events with peers and tie conversations to their faith while sharing breakfast.
As we begin a new program year, help us refresh our supply closet by purchasing books, art materials, and organizational supplies from our wish list. Contact Victoria to learn about a variety of opportunities available for mentoring, teaching, or leading one-off projects.
During the time after Epiphany, we hear stories from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. We also hear stories about those who followed him. What does it look like for us to walk along with Jesus? Watch each week as we explore activities and practices we can do together as we walk along with Jesus in the coming year. Worship is our theme for this week’s video.
During the time after Epiphany, we hear stories from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. We also hear stories about those who followed him. What does it look like for us to walk along with Jesus? Watch each week as we explore activities and practices we can do together as we walk along with Jesus in the coming year. Rest is our theme for this week’s video.
During the time after Epiphany, we hear stories from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. We also hear stories about those who followed him. What does it look like for us to walk along with Jesus? Watch each week as we explore activities and practices we can do together as we walk along with Jesus in the coming year. Pray is our theme for this week’s video.
During the time after Epiphany, we hear stories from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. We also hear stories about those who followed him. What does it look like for us to walk along with Jesus? Join us each week as we explore activities and practices we can do together as we walk with Jesus in the coming year. Turn is our theme for this week’s video.