Vacation Bible School is our biggest children’s ministry event of the year, and it’s only possible with the help of volunteers. There are ways to help before, during, and after VBS. Discover available opportunities, and sign up for more information.
Sponsor Resurrection’s Youth Group trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer! Stop by the narthex display board and choose sponsor tags for food, items, and experiences for our trip. Sponsors receive regular trip updates, a postcard from New Orleans, and more!
Contact Victoria Hoppes by Sunday, Feb. 25 to register a child for this two-part communion instruction class on Sundays March 3, 9:30-10:30 a.m. and March 10, 5-7 p.m. The class is open to children ready to regularly partake and gain a deeper understanding of Holy Communion.
Pick up Lent at Home devotion kits in the church narthex on Sundays, Feb. 4 and 11. Two options are available: a set of activity eggs (households with young children) and a set of devotion and activity cards (all other households).
Sundays Feb. 4, 11, & 18, 9:30 a.m. in Room 1: The My Bible class, typically taken in 3rd grade, introduces kids to the Bible’s narrative, teaches skills for reading and using it, and builds a foundation for reading scripture at home. Contact Victoria Hoppes for details and sign up.
Resurrection is seeking volunteers to help provide a caring, fun environment for our youngest friends during the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Training is provided and volunteers are not required to serve every week. Youth and adult volunteers are welcome.
Sunday, Sep. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary: young children (preschool and kindergarten), along with their families, are invited to Welcome to Worship, an interactive, one-time class introducing children to worship and liturgy and families to the practice of worshipping together.
Come hear the Xperience – The Awakening Tour concert at Resurrection Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 18 at 7 p.m. Don’t miss this special musical event! Sign up to host groups of three students on Sunday, June 18.
Saturdays May 6 and 20 from 9 a.m. – noon: Help launch Resurrection into a Stellar adventure through space for Vacation Bible School! We have a variety of VBS decorating projects available for all age and skill levels. All materials are provided.
Sunday, April 23: The Youth Group (grades 9-12) is exploring the “Power of Children” exhibit together at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis as part of continued conversations on the intersection between faith and advocacy. Sign up by Sunday, April 16 to participate.