Sunday, Feb. 9, 2-3 p.m.: All kids in kindergarten through fifth grade, come for an afternoon of winter fun with Kids Club at Resurrection! We’ll meet in Resurrection Hall for winter games, crafts, hot chocolate, and a snack. Please RSVP to help us plan.
Resurrection’s Knit/Crochet Group gathers one Saturday each month from 10 a.m. – noon at Resurrection. Anyone is welcome. Our next gathering is Saturday, Feb. 8.
On Saturday, Oct. 19, Resurrection Lutheran Church celebrated 60 years and began creating a banner tapestry representing our past, present, and future. You are invited to add to the tapestry by following the instructions on the table in the church narthex by Sunday, Nov. 17.
Help create an underwater playground for Scuba VBS! “Adopt a prop” and pick up a kit in the church narthex to help us make decorating items. Kits contain projects for different skill levels. Instructions and most supplies are included. Return completed props to the office by Sunday, April 7.
Learning at Home kits are returning in January! Sign-up to receive Bible stories, crafts, games, and other intergenerational activities. January’s faith formation materials will focus on the theme of “Following Jesus.” Sign-up by Tuesday, Jan. 5 to receive your materials by Sunday, Jan. 10.
Help create special posters to welcome each other back to Resurrection when we return for worship. Sign up to receive instructions by email for participating.