Help Fill Backpacks for DMKA

Help fill backpack and color special tags to support Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy on Sunday, July 9 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Indianapolis

As a part of VBS, we collected school supplies for students at Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy (DMKA). Help us fill backpacks with these supplies on Sunday, July 9 immediately following worship. Help us color 300 backpack tags to give to students by picking up a kit of tags to color and return to Resurrection by Sunday, July 16.

Experience Service with Community Meals

Sign-up for a Friday tour and experience RLC's Community Meals

Sign-up for a Friday during Lent to experience what serving at a free Friday community meal is like. On your selected Friday, a team member will provide a tour of all the tasks involved in the weekly meal. Try out a task by shadowing a team member or just take the tour and enjoy the meal with our guests.