Are you new to Resurrection and want to get to know others a little better? Are you a long-time member noticing new faces? Do you enjoy good food and good conversation? Then Dinners for Eight (or nine) may be perfect for you! Singles and couples are welcome! Sign-up to participate or to learn more!
Hike Morgan Monroe State Forest with the Resurrection Hiking Group on Saturday, June 25. Meet in the trailhead for Mason Ridge and Rock Shelter trails (6245-6251 Main Forest Rd, Unionville, IN) at 8:45 a.m. so we can begin hiking by 9 a.m. We’ll choose to hike one or both trails!
Hike with Resurrection’s Hiking Group on Saturday, Aug. 21 at Eagle Creek Park (7840 W. 56th St., Indianapolis). Meet in the marina parking lot by 9 a.m.
Sign-up to take part in our Christmas Goodie Exchange, and share your talents with others by providing five dozen servings of your treat by noon on Saturday, Dec. 19. Then pick up your assortment of goodies on Sunday, Dec. 20 or Monday, Dec. 21.
Do you want to share your time and talents with others as you are able? Do you or someone you know need a little extra care, help with chores, or just a batch of warm cookies? Then sign-up yourself or that someone you know for some Caring and Sharing.
Stop by Resurrection’s parking lot on Sunday, Nov. 1 for Long’s Bakery donuts and coffee via drive-thru and some socially distanced face-to-face fellowship from 9-10 a.m. – or while supplies last. Bring a lawn chair and a mask to enjoy fellowship.
Come hike Eagle Creek Park with RLC’s Hiking Group on Saturday, Aug. 29. We will meet at 8 a.m. at the Marina parking lot (7602 Walnut Point Rd, Indianapolis, IN). Masks are required if in close proximity, we will maintain physical distancing throughout the hike, and there is a park entrance fee.