Help us grow RLC Kids! We’ve seen increased attendance during Learning Hour in the last year, and we’re in need of additional teachers and mentors for our children’s ministry. We’re specifically looking for adults to co-teach and/or occasionally serve as substitute teachers during the 2024-2025 program year.
See photos from Resurrection’s FaithBuilders service learning trip in Nashville, TN! The service learning focuses on food insecurity, homelessness, poverty, and community development. We explore how we can move beyond surface-level service into deeper justice work.
Check out photos from Scuba VBS! We are exploring an underwater adventure as we dive into friendship with God and others each night! We’re enjoying dinner together followed by Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and more.
Help us collect needed food and program items for Scuba VBS by food donation tag from the board in the church narthex or purchasing items from our Amazon wish list! Thanks for helping us make a splash this summer with kids in our congregation and community!
Vacation Bible School is our biggest children’s ministry event of the year, and it’s only possible with the help of volunteers. There are ways to help before, during, and after VBS. Discover available opportunities, and sign up for more information.
Contact Victoria Hoppes by Sunday, Feb. 25 to register a child for this two-part communion instruction class on Sundays March 3, 9:30-10:30 a.m. and March 10, 5-7 p.m. The class is open to children ready to regularly partake and gain a deeper understanding of Holy Communion.
Pick up Lent at Home devotion kits in the church narthex on Sundays, Feb. 4 and 11. Two options are available: a set of activity eggs (households with young children) and a set of devotion and activity cards (all other households).
Sundays Feb. 4, 11, & 18, 9:30 a.m. in Room 1: The My Bible class, typically taken in 3rd grade, introduces kids to the Bible’s narrative, teaches skills for reading and using it, and builds a foundation for reading scripture at home. Contact Victoria Hoppes for details and sign up.
Resurrection is seeking volunteers to help provide a caring, fun environment for our youngest friends during the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Training is provided and volunteers are not required to serve every week. Youth and adult volunteers are welcome.
Sunday, Sep. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary: young children (preschool and kindergarten), along with their families, are invited to Welcome to Worship, an interactive, one-time class introducing children to worship and liturgy and families to the practice of worshipping together.