Share Your Professional Experience with RLC Young Adults

Share your professional experience with RLC’s young adults. Contact Marcie Hrankowsky for details.

We’re seeking current and retired professionals willing to share professional experience and knowledge with RLC’s high school youth and college-aged adults. Your experience can make a difference by offering guidance, sharing career insights, providing networking opportunities, and helping with internship or job leads.

FaithBuilders & Youth Group Christmas Party

Resurrection Lutheran Church FaithBuilders & Youth Group Christmas Party in Resurrection Hall on Sunday, Dec. 22 from 5:15 - 7:45 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 22, 5:15-7:45 p.m. Youth in grades 6-12, come for our Christmas party at RLC! Wear your favorite Christmas pajamas and bring a wrapped gift ($10 or less) for a gift exchange. Sign up if you’d like to contribute finger food for our “snacky dinner” or toppings for a hot cocoa bar.