Help create an Alaskan wilderness for True North VBS! “Adopt a prop” and pick up a kit in the church narthex to help make decorating items. Kits contain projects for different skill levels. Instructions and most supplies are included. Return completed props by Sunday, April 6.
New volunteers are needed to support Resurrection’s free Friday community meal from 5:30-7 p.m. Volunteers are needed for the first Friday crew (once per month) and the fifth Friday crew (approximately once per quarter).
Resurrection’s Breadbox needs your donations this January to help refill the shelves and support Hunger, Inc., a nearby pantry serving Perry Township and Beech Grove. Donations of elbow macaroni, spaghetti, and white long-grain rice are always needed for Second Helpings.
Save the date for Resurrection’s 2025 Vacation Bible School program, Sunday, June 8 – Thursday, June 12! VBS is a week filled with songs, Bible stories, games, crafts, and more for kids ages 3 through elementary school. This year, we’re going on a True North wilderness adventure as we learn how we are followers of Jesus!
If you are an experienced quilter, a novice, or just thinking about learning to sew, raise your hand! We are testing interest in re-starting a quilting group and would love to hear what appeals to you. Sign up to receive a short survey and invitation to an exploratory gathering. Open to ages 12 and up.
We’re seeking current and retired professionals willing to share professional experience and knowledge with RLC’s high school youth and college-aged adults. Your experience can make a difference by offering guidance, sharing career insights, providing networking opportunities, and helping with internship or job leads.
Download a copy of Resurrection Lutheran Church’s Annual Report 2024. The report includes a special message from the pastor and a look back over the year at highlights from worship, faith formation, service and outreach, and community.
Help provide refreshments between Sunday worship services or help with set-up or clean-up. Sign up online for the Sunday(s) you would like to help with. Clean-up is simple and does not involve the coffee clean-up – it just involves removing leftover refreshment items.
Help provide hospitality and facilitate fellowship with Resurrection’s FaithBuilders and Youth Group by signing up to sponsor a dinner for one of our Sunday night meetings. Dinner sponsors prepare the food (menus are provided), serve, and clean up after the meal.
Give back this season! Last year, RLC provided 75 clothing gifts to 39 children from 15 Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy (DMKA) families. This year, donate time and contact Liz Klimes if you can help create tags (week of Nov. 18), track tag selections on Sundays (Nov. 24, Dec. 1 & 8), and/or organize/deliver gifts for DMKA (Dec. 15 & 16).