Stay Connected with Resurrection

Review communications checklist now to stay connected with Resurrection Lutheran Church

As we return to the fall rhythm of our congregation life with an increased pace of ministries, activities, and event gatherings, now is a good time to take a moment and review our check-list to be sure you continue to receive important updates from Resurrection.

Photos from FaithBuilders Service Trip

Photo from Resurrection Lutheran Church FaithBuilders Service Trip to Toledo

The week of June 12, Resurrection’s FaithBuilders (middle school) students participated in a service trip to Toledo, Ohio. Pictured is the group working at Salem Lutheran Church in Toledo. We are proud of our group for the service completed and for their patience, flexibility, and good spirits throughout.

Experience Service with Community Meals

Sign-up for a Friday tour and experience RLC's Community Meals

Sign-up for a Friday during Lent to experience what serving at a free Friday community meal is like. On your selected Friday, a team member will provide a tour of all the tasks involved in the weekly meal. Try out a task by shadowing a team member or just take the tour and enjoy the meal with our guests.